Jarucia J. Nirula

Jarucia J. Nirula


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Seattle (area), WA
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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

Came to writers cafe via abna...it's lovely where unknown roads will lead you.

I'm a 32 year old married gal living in the Seattle area. I've been a long time writer, but primarily for personal purposes.

I actually had a phobia of writing for the eyes of others, which started in the fifth grade. Upon receiving an assignment to summarize a two-page typed short story, I returned four pages of written text.

"How did you manage to summarize two pages into four?" my teacher asked.

I was stunned and scarred. I thought I had written brilliantly.

High school, college and grad school saw many anguished bouts of essay and research paper writing. Finally, after my thesis was completed in '06 (and I hadn't died) I thought 'what the heck.'

A subsequent three month tour of India throughout which I blogged and journaled obsessively let me realize that my long standing skill for oral musings, translated alright into the written word. (

And whammo, I wrote a book. Not on the first attempt, mind you, but the years of self-torment leading up to the moment of opening my creative floodgates was like having repented for sins long before having ever committed them: I was guilt free to create.

So that's me in a nutshell.

Oh, I do say 'yay' to writing groups, but only with others who take the art seriously and are at least as comfortable and competent as each other.