S Jack JA : Writing

⁓ Non-Eternity ⁓

⁓ Non-Eternity ⁓

A Poem by S Jack JA

- Life's transience can be explored with vivid imagery and philosophical depth -


A Poem by S Jack JA

- I am moving some inches near -
⁓ Life Stages ⁓

⁓ Life Stages ⁓

A Poem by S Jack JA

- I wish I could be -
~ The Unchained Guilts ~

~ The Unchained Guilts ~

A Poem by S Jack JA

- The melodies that never last -
~ The Shadow Behind Me ~

~ The Shadow Behind Me ~

A Poem by S Jack JA

- I will hide behind the shadow no more -
 ~ "FB" & "IG" ~

~ "FB" & "IG" ~

A Poem by S Jack JA

- My "FB" & "IG" -
∼ Resketching My Desire ∼

∼ Resketching My Desire ∼

A Poem by S Jack JA

- Windowpane Sketching -
⁓ I Am An Integer ⁓

⁓ I Am An Integer ⁓

A Poem by S Jack JA

- I won't be a fraction for anyone. -
∼ Rising Above ∼

∼ Rising Above ∼

A Poem by S Jack JA

- I will lift myself up to the sky -
⁓ My Small Realm ⁓

⁓ My Small Realm ⁓

A Poem by S Jack JA

- I would rather fly in my own sky -