My Fair Lady : Writing



A Chapter by My Fair Lady

Using WOTD from Senry Slayers "Antithesis" - direct opposite
Ode To Poets

Ode To Poets

A Chapter by My Fair Lady

Using WOTD Lissome- Flexible, nimble
Thank You Mozart

Thank You Mozart

A Chapter by My Fair Lady

Using Senryu Slayers WOTD "Canorous"- Melodius, Musical
Look Beyond

Look Beyond

A Chapter by My Fair Lady

Using WOTD lilliputian [lil-i-pyoo-shuhn]- meaning smal, tiny; diminutive; petty; trivial; narrowminded


A Chapter by My Fair Lady

Using WOTD vociferous [voh-sif-er-uhs]- crying out noisily, clamorous
Absolute Truth

Absolute Truth

A Chapter by My Fair Lady

For Thomas


A Chapter by My Fair Lady

Thoughts on kisses
My Hell!

My Hell!

A Chapter by My Fair Lady

*Not a religious sermon.
The Vessel

The Vessel

A Chapter by My Fair Lady

You saw that I was crying As each teardrop fell You captured it You placed my tears In your vessel And carried..