If I could take a chainsaw and cut open my rib cage, I could breatheThis is anxietyIf I could I'd slice a line open between my hip bones to give my sq..
I was born red.
Fiercesome, Dramatic.
Spirited but silenced, white paint added through the years to a little girl who didn't know your hatred voic..
I sit in your home, bathed in sunlight, scent and whimsical, childhood associations of safety colliding with grownup fear.
I remember days alone on..
Because of this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=20x9xEzlODU&feature=youtu.be
I had (still have) a teddy that went everywhere with me as a kid. In a moment of sheer panic as an adult in a foreign country, I craved the soft embra..
Anxiety grips my insides
Chest to stomach entangled
Visions of little me gathering that mess
tossing it up up up where the food goes down
Out of m..
This isn't really a poem. It's just me spilling words of one of the constant cycles the daughters of an addict live through.
I'm not good
I'm falling apart
But I won't tell you that
Because I don't have the energy
And I'm not sure I want to admit things
So ask me again ..
It's bubbling up my throatStopped by the giant lump thereThis constant pressureI wanted to stay in bedUnder the duvet, cuddling my bearThe pressure of..
I spend time telling your daughter I'm not her mama when she calls me that.
After I've fetched her from school, fed her, dried her tears from the b..