This is a true story and testimony of God showing up and showing his Awesomeness..The day He revealed Himself to me...I pray all who read this will b..
You say that I'm the one you adore,yet you treat me like a mat for a door.I've tried to love you through every situation,but your love for me comes wi..
From our mouths our voices ring,Jesus you arethe King of Kings.Worthy of praise from everything,Oh how our heartsrejoice and sings.You came and suffer..
I sit here thinking about the Lord,how He came to heal and save the world.He paid a price He did not owe,so that we could escapeSatan'sfoe.He bled and..
Thank you sweet JESUSFor all your love for me,See I once was blindBut now I can see.You came and found meThen saved my soul,With Grace,love and mercyY..
In life we will face,many difficult situations,But we have God's gracein our trials and tribulations.We may fall and stumbleas we face life's test,Jus..
What a beautiful dreamI hadlast night,I saw a beautiful light,one thatshined so bright.Upon entering this lightI sawthese pearly gates,Then I heard Sa..
When we found out you were coming our eyes filled up with tears,Waiting for that daythat you wouldsoon be here.We were so excited,waiting withanticipa..
When I saw you on that first night,You were dancing in the sparkling light.I never believed in "love at first sight",Then we danced together and it fe..
Reminiscing of the night we met,the chance with you,I never thought I'd get.Not knowing that the night was set,for many years together,without a day o..