"its a think piece about a mid level band struggling with their own limitations in the harsh face of stardom." AF
A look at experience and stress
“A footpath, of wooded origin, and distinct only in that it needed no help in creating passage from one spot to the next -- even having overgrow..
I promise you thatI am doing the best that I can,and though some days,they will last longer than others--this day, with you,it went way too fast;stand..
Come; dry me out, because I’ve been drinking all day, and now, with the colors fading in the night sky--while sitting outside a restaurant--I ch..
Swimming along the street in front of me there are these two young fish. They happened upon an older fish swimming towards them from the other directi..
I often counted sheep to conclude my days, while laying awake in the middle of the night when most people have been dreaming for hours. If this doesn'..
Entranced with the rustic appearance of hard-wooden floors and the berthed hues of an altruistic surface. It is a staring contest, and I am comatose--..
Remember world this book is a work in progress. A rough draft of a rough draft. If you have feedback, let me know. Thank you.
The walls of the room were a red brick that had been weathered by a time and life, they paired well with the worn and dark hard wood floors that have ..