How about we call it a day, son, eh?
How about it we pack this s**t away
Swear to never hear yourvoice or my voice again
Burn all the documents, sm..
A crescendo of laughter
Rising like a cloudof birds
From an aviary ripped open
So much of it overlapping
You nevereven catch the joke
My shirt is untucked and billowing
It tells its own story
- not so much creased as crushed
But my lower half is nicely dressed,
In pinstripes th..
Support me or abort me -
Unhook me, or else pick me out
And dash me across the floor,
As though I were a spot in your yolk
An abominatio..
oh, to strike it rich
oh, for beautiful ladies
yes, I'm that shallow
even the dog is tired round me
when she comes a-visiting
true, I'mexhausting
I have tossed my salad of Post-it notes
Liberally across my desk
Added paperclip bacon bits
And some Blu-Tack croutons
Then I dressed it accide..
Some self-indulgent, self-pitying, miserable wintry shite. Please excuse - I'm old enough to know better.
Hard to tell in all thatbattle armour
But Isuspect we have ourselves a female,
There's just something about the way she
Flaunts thatblaster andthr..
Five minute, flash fiction