Clockwork : Writing

Widow Maker

Widow Maker

A Poem by Clockwork

Listless mothers go hungry mapping bottomless seas, Wailing on drunken shores, shrieking numbers, forgotten scores. The spirits of ..
Snapshots of Life (2010)

Snapshots of Life (2010)

A Book by Clockwork

A collection of Haiku inspired by the landscape of New England during the summer of 2010.


A Chapter by Clockwork

Dear Reader, After I graduated from high school in the summer of 2010 I found myself in one of the worst ruts of my time as I writer. I could not crea..
Fallen Blooms

Fallen Blooms

A Chapter by Clockwork

White blossoms like snow Boil under a midday sun Soon blotted by rain


A Poem by Clockwork

This poem was inspired by a conversation with Paige Seduction She asked me to compose a poem based upon a f..
Thievery of the Blooms

Thievery of the Blooms

A Chapter by Clockwork

Rays roll buds tightly Packing beauty into spheres Coveted by worms
The Foundation of My Identity

The Foundation of My Identity

A Story by Clockwork

I did not know anything about dementia wards until we committed my great-grandmother. However, I soon learned how the intricacies of time and m..
Cat Nap

Cat Nap

A Chapter by Clockwork

Spread-eagle on the pavement" Heat lulls the hunter to sleep While clouds turn gray


A Poem by Clockwork

Consciousness is fickle-- One minute it’s wrapped around your finger in a tight spool, Next second some fool in cabana shorts is ..
An Epiphany in Leaves

An Epiphany in Leaves

A Chapter by Clockwork

Leaves like spades become Greenest outlined by the sky Before summer rain