Clockwork : Writing



A Poem by Clockwork

� The nest in which the Crain had slept lay bare. Not so much as a breath had spoken ther..
Roaming Through the Hourglass

Roaming Through the Hourglass

A Poem by Clockwork

The edge was an ocean, but the ship was a sun. As we drifted farther, the horizon came closer. In the hands of the compass i..
A curse for the marauders

A curse for the marauders

A Poem by Clockwork

In the heavy shrouds of July by the sea mother fasted. ..
The Last Bounty

The Last Bounty

A Poem by Clockwork

In the mouth of the virgin a silken pearl is born To be laid upon an altar beside a stoic cup of fruit. Cast from brack..


A Poem by Clockwork

Wizard of Oz, meets Garth Brooks title, meets hard rock in changing prospective.
The Crucible

The Crucible

A Poem by Clockwork

Her lips are like a crucible in the night, Melding my wayward dreams into cold stars. From the core of her carnivorous depths ..
A Conversation On Death

A Conversation On Death

A Story by Clockwork

The harvest was finished and her bones were buried. The farm was a secluded one. Not many people ever passed by and that afforded Andrew and Sara ..
Garden Of The Wax Dolls

Garden Of The Wax Dolls

A Story by Clockwork

The atmosphere was heavy and dark. Smoke filled the entirety of the room obscuring the moonlight that should have trickled through the hexagonal win..
Through the fault lines of a dream differed

Through the fault lines of a dream differed

A Poem by Clockwork

Earthquakes tear fault lines in my mind. Mine is a prison pried from pain in the night Were the closest source of light is..
The sexton and his charges

The sexton and his charges

A Poem by Clockwork

� The sexton lies six feet under his frostbitten truths. Amnesia is his head stone, bearing a closed casket inscript..