Clockwork : Writing

A Prenuptial Letter to Edmond Stone

A Prenuptial Letter to Edmond Stone

A Story by Clockwork

Your delirious darling if you think you can speak to me as he does, Edgar is speaking to me even no…he is dead, yes I know, but l..


A Poem by Clockwork

Out of practice rambling....
Eternity for Tess

Eternity for Tess

A Poem by Clockwork

Cherubs danced with star-dials upon her breast. Her breaths birthed galaxies within my chest. No soliloquy bested her articula..
Hijacking the Sun

Hijacking the Sun

A Poem by Clockwork

Sleeping on the spines of the oaks, The mist cloned the eyes of the sun. Destiny had been hunting for a fix, An elixir to add..
In the crosswinds

In the crosswinds

A Poem by Clockwork

My first poem in the better part of two weeks. This is more of a scribble really. I think I am really rusty.
High Tide for Julius

High Tide for Julius

A Story by Clockwork

Another story...Why yes it is.
The Problem With Springs

The Problem With Springs

A Story by Clockwork

I wanted this to be a blog but I thought I would make it a short story of sorts. This piece just came out by accident.
Window shopping

Window shopping

A Poem by Clockwork

First poem of 2010
Surrender to the night

Surrender to the night

A Poem by Clockwork

This is a collaboration piece I did With Ms. Emily Axelson. Her stanzas are in red and mine are in blue.
Only fire remained

Only fire remained

A Poem by Clockwork

We sold the ashes to climb out of the hole, Forgetting the urn held the phoenix inside. Pride is bitter, appearances are fickle- We p..