Clockwork : Writing

A Spider Web

A Spider Web

A Chapter by Clockwork

Glittering basket Hung where leaves no longer grow Exposed to the sky
Glances captured in the Bounty of An Orchard

Glances captured in the Bounty of An Orchard

A Poem by Clockwork

Thank god for apples and the wonderful country of England.
Twin Oaks

Twin Oaks

A Chapter by Clockwork

Conjoined at the trunk Holding acorns close to heart Brothers reach the sky
Escape of the Wood Frog

Escape of the Wood Frog

A Chapter by Clockwork

Sliding through the mud Blowing bubbles as he swims Away from danger
Wood Frogs

Wood Frogs

A Chapter by Clockwork

Dew drop eyes watching Beneath a surface of glass Absorbing movement
A Song for Freedom

A Song for Freedom

A Poem by Clockwork

Your independence is music to my heart, A rhythm I can write a tune of courage for. When the ramparts go dark and danger nears, ..
Monarch Caterpillars

Monarch Caterpillars

A Chapter by Clockwork

Milkweed in the wind Sent by monarchs in waiting Eating under leaves
A Sigh Is

A Sigh Is

A Poem by Clockwork

Response Inspired by Emma's "Such is a sigh"
A Weathered Peace Sign

A Weathered Peace Sign

A Chapter by Clockwork

Peace is abandoned--Tourists flee the sandstone cliffs Forgetting their sign
The Journey of the Ember

The Journey of the Ember

A Poem by Clockwork

Do you remember the summer on the Ember? Can you recall that amber hall? We knew we had paid When travelers in jade arrived ..