JP thinks the WC is aptly named

JP thinks the WC is aptly named


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A place submerged in alcohol, where one must breathe through straws, United Kingdom
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Five Minute Fiction
Oct 1, 2008 - Dec 1, 2008

Science Fiction, baby
Apr 4, 2008 - Jul 4, 2008



In my beginning is my end. In succession
Houses rise and fall, crumble, are extended,
Are removed, destroyed, restored, or in their place
Is an open field, or a factory, or a by-pass.
Old stone to new building, old timber to new fires,
Old fires to ashes, and ashes to the earth
Which is already flesh, fur and faeces,
Bone of man and beast, cornstalk and leaf.
Houses live and die: there is a time for building
And a time for living and for generation
And a time for the wind to break the loosened pane
And to shake the wainscot where the field-mouse trots
And to shake the tattered arras woven with a silent motto.

In my beginning is my end. Now the light falls
Across the open field, leaving the deep lane
Shuttered with branches, dark in the afternoon,
Where you lean against a bank while a van passes,
And the deep lane insists on the direction
Into the village, in the electric heat
Hypnotised. In a warm haze the sultry light
Is absorbed, not refracted, by grey stone.
The dahlias sleep in the empty silence.
Wait for the early owl.

In that open field
If you do not come too close, if you do not come too close,
On a summer midnight, you can hear the music
Of the weak pipe and the little drum
And see them dancing around the bonfire
The association of man and woman
In daunsinge, signifying matrimonie -
A dignified and commodious sacrement.
Two and two, necessarye coniunction,
Holding eche other by the hand or the arm
Whiche betokeneth concorde. Round and round the fire
Leaping through the flames, or joined in circles,
Rustically solemn or in rustic laughter
Lifting heavy feet in clumsy shoes,
Earth feet, loam feet, lifted in country mirth
Mirth of those long since under earth
Nourishing the corn. Keeping time,
Keeping the rhythm in their dancing
As in their living in the living seasons
The time of the seasons and the constellations
The time of milking and the time of harvest
The time of the coupling of man and woman
And that of beasts. Feet rising and falling.
Eating and drinking. Dung and death.

Dawn points, and another day
Prepares for heat and silence. Out at sea the dawn wind
Wrinkles and slides. I am here
Or there, or elsewhere. In my beginning.





lana turner

Rita Hayworth


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Posted 12 Years Ago

Hey old friend are you back? I was just reading some of your reviews of my very old poems and they blew me away....four years later, much is in perspective and YOU seemed to see things in mypoetry I never even realized.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Hi friend, I hope to see you back on the Cafe soon,
it would be great to read your new inspirations ^_^
Kindest Regards, Michael

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Posted 15 Years Ago

hello right back at you
[ragtag's comments wall]

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Posted 16 Years Ago

It was just a small glitch which was easily fixed once I was made aware of the problem. Thanks for letting me know about it.

P.S. I like all the classy ladies pictures in your bio.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hi. Thanks for reviewing Aptitude - 'tis one of my favourite children lol.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

glad you found my bio interesting, it was just me randomly rambling utter crap and nonsense.. hmm maldon is.. that way!
it's in voctoria, australia... and is a tiny little tourist trap

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Posted 16 Years Ago

i love all the pictures on your profile ^^

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Posted 16 Years Ago

i find the imagination to be a wonderful and frightening place. thanks for adding a new visual.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

nay. it is i who should thank you for your very nice review of "the paper mirror". i think it's beautiful that you got something out of it that i didn't originally intend. that's the best part about art. because then it becomes yours just as much as it is mine.

life is going well. i'm married now.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

I do love to read your work...It somehow manages to make me laugh after a hard day!