high school throwback therapy time poem
You wait and you search, and suddenly there they are.
When I first held my daughter
Thinking back to old feelings and they astound me
I don't blame him for his thoughtlessnessHis childishness, his selfishnessOr him for his carelessness.I don't blame you for your abandonmentThat horri..
I can't take anymore.You opened me up, gentlyMy mind, my heart.You opened me,Then threw in hot coalsKnives, thorns, poisonWrapped me in a straight-jac..
the one,
My god on earth.
Eyes without pity,
Heart without shame,
Guiltless, blameless,
Thoughtless mirth.
The best within me,
The un..
A haiku
Written months ago, then removed. Inspired by a lesson on logical fallacies in philosophy class.
From about year ago