Jaffa Forbes is the bored business student of Canterbury, UK.
He is a writer of all things, but mainly poetry and novellas, not to mention the odd satire article.
He is fond of speaking about himself in the third person and has published two poetry collections on lulu.com, and would invite you to take a look at them, if only because you have nothing else to do (click on the big picture type thing below!)
Please do not judge him on this.
He does not live on the Internet, and would not even if he could.
"What is Stonehenge? It is the roofless past;
Man's ruinous myth; his uninterred adoring
Of the unknown in sunrise cold and red;
His quest of stars that arch his doomed exploring.
And what is Time but shadows that were cast
By these storm-sculptured stones while centuries fled?
The stones remain; their stillness can outlast
The skies of history hurrying overhead."
Siegried Sassoon
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