I'm worried. I'm broken. I hope I'm okay.
Thanks to reading a lot of Harlen Coben lately (sorry if I've misspelled :) ) I've become rather suspicious of, well, anything unusual.
I've just had a bad day, I guess. It's been real hard to feel happy.
(for now)
Strung up and above on the strings of highs and lows. This is how it was, and to some extent, how it still is.
A tiny little poem on tiny little ole me.
I can't be more contented than I am right now. Physically, mentally, emotionally impossible.
I have a love-hate relationship with many things, one of which is my boyfriend's cell phone provider... Grr Metro...
This will be the first year, I swear it will, that I will have a happy Valentine's Day, and I wish one to the rest of y'all.