Jaden Larker : Writing

Sleeping Fox

Sleeping Fox

A Poem by Jaden Larker

Wrote this when I noticed a fox curled up in my back garden.
Victoria Square

Victoria Square

A Poem by Jaden Larker

Wrote this after observing and Italian juggler next to a fountain.
The Day of Rain

The Day of Rain

A Poem by Jaden Larker

Another I wrote on the day of the flash flood.
Flash Flood

Flash Flood

A Poem by Jaden Larker

Wrote this on the day of the flash flood when considering all the kingfisher nests that would have been swept away.


A Poem by Jaden Larker

Wrote this while looking at some 2012 banners and thinking about the negative repercussions of the Olympics.
Birmingham Weather

Birmingham Weather

A Poem by Jaden Larker

Wrote this on the day the UK experienced a fairly large flash flood and subsequent haphazard weather.
Empty Lot

Empty Lot

A Poem by Jaden Larker

Wrote this when I noticed an empty, overgrown lot where an old folks home used to stand.
Cloud Formation

Cloud Formation

A Poem by Jaden Larker

Wrote this after noticing an interesting cloud formation in a beautiful dusk sky.
Bus Stop

Bus Stop

A Poem by Jaden Larker

Wrote this whilst on the bus back from Birmingham when we happened to pass an empty bus stop with an empty can sat on one of the seats.


A Poem by Jaden Larker

Wrote this for a friend of mine whilst in a park in the centre of Birmingham. Note: In some cultures pickpockets are likened to that of Sparrows.