A fiction which is written to be performed.
A poem, written in reference to M. Poe's masterpiece, and as an opposite to it.
us not forget, in all the days of old,
came upon us this being, this person, foretold.
one could expect the impact they left,
of nightmares,
malevolent curse upon life!
threw away all cares
the offered heart quite
and fo..
Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away, there was a new king. The king had been banished from his own lands, and had married his new queen in a new..
Officer Ronald James led me to my client’s cell, and he showed me, once again, his picture of his family. He said he had hundreds of copies,..
Mind Snapped
Spirit broken
Am I still in battle
Or Paralyzed with fear?
Am I at home?
Paranoia Growing
What’s that?
A bomb or a cat?
Just a short story I wrote for my Sociology class.
Just a sonnet written in Creative Writing,thought over in 3 days, written in 20 seconds.
Just a poem written in well under 5 minutes, and only two minutes of thought before inspiration took.