If you confess with your lips and believe in your heartYou shall be saved so repent and call uponThe name of the Lord who saves you, just as you areFo..
For many in heaven are holy but few are just savedIf you believe in mind that Jesus cameFrom the Father to save the lost you may be bornIt only stands..
My brothers and sisters throughout this world of oursAnd those of the planet who were saved when just little onesMy hope and God's hope is that you wi..
Are you hungry and have nothing to eat right nowThe Lord Jesus can give you bread to eatAnd even some fish all you want to your fillI ask you Jesus fe..
The Father turned the Devil lose in the endTo stir the crowd and convince them to scream crucifyI came from the future wanting to take him downBut it ..
"Father, the hour has comeGlorify your Son that the Son may glorify yousince you have given him authority over all fleshto give eternal life to all wh..
My brothers we are princes in line for the throneOf our Father Jesus who opened our minds and madeIt that we are gods in him and in the true GodWhy hi..
There is God and there is the Word with light in itThere is light and he was life the light of menThere was water then and the water above and belowTh..
The truth of light is that it is the light of menThat came from light, God's Word beginning with himBehold the Lamb of God who takes our sin awayGod s..