Towards the ends of the earth, they endlessly went galloping — For the last time upon the ghostly horse, she went riding
have mulled over the idea of writing about a horse from my childhood for a long
time. Though I only owned her and ..
back, go back
Remember me
In all my grace
In all my greatness
first real horse was a gray Arabian named CJ for the magical price..
With the haunting words of a poem I wrote long ago, "Go back, go back, remember me. In all my grace, in all my greatness..." I write here the story a..
Annie is in her element photographing the big horn sheep and wild horses of her world. She is interrupted by local rancher out checking his livestock..
Annie is a wildlife photographer. When she stumbles across several shot horses, she is appalled and suspects a local rancher. When his cattle turn up ..
Rae's mother is dead. Her father is immersed with town politics and happenings. He takes her with him on an errand and she meets Kats for the first ..
Rae returns home from college on break to attend a meeting concerning the bounty on kats to encourage more hunting and the Harvest Festival.
An alien planet colonized by humans, with their preconceived notion of what alien life is, leaves the real native race unrecognized. One young woman f..