John the Baptist : Writing

In the End

In the End

A Poem by John the Baptist

A meditation on losses and gains
Envy and Greed

Envy and Greed

A Poem by John the Baptist

A meditation on failings
New Year

New Year

A Poem by John the Baptist

A meditation on time
Quod Reliquum Est

Quod Reliquum Est

A Poem by John the Baptist

A meditation on what endures


A Poem by John the Baptist

A meditation on the season
Robo Calls

Robo Calls

A Poem by John the Baptist

A meditation on a national annoyance


A Poem by John the Baptist

A meditation on death
Light and Dark

Light and Dark

A Poem by John the Baptist

A meditation on situations
I Have loved you, Francesca

I Have loved you, Francesca

A Poem by John the Baptist

A meditation on relationships
The Screen

The Screen

A Poem by John the Baptist

A meditation on reality