John the Baptist : Writing



A Poem by John the Baptist

A meditation on time and its effects
The Two Thieves

The Two Thieves

A Poem by John the Baptist

A meditation on priorities
The Grail

The Grail

A Poem by John the Baptist

A meditation on perceptions
The Deep

The Deep

A Poem by John the Baptist

A meditation on existence
The Face of The Reaper

The Face of The Reaper

A Poem by John the Baptist

A meditation on perceptions of death
The Enduring

The Enduring

A Poem by John the Baptist

A meditation on reality


A Poem by John the Baptist

A meditation on religious systems
The Constant

The Constant

A Poem by John the Baptist

A meditation on what we really have


A Poem by John the Baptist

A meditation on causes


A Poem by John the Baptist

A meditation on the need for acclaim

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Compartment 114
Compartment 114