About MeI'm 17, I've trimmed down the number of writing projects I'm working on, and write in moderation and weekly-to-monthly intervals.
I play video games while I think of what I'm going to write, sometimes they help me unfold a plot line. I don't query; I write as I go and that's how I get going, it's just my writing style. I do a lot of research before I write about a non-fictional city or township. I've picked up a lot of writing habits from my mother, but I've made my own as well. My mom is like my editor, if she sees something wrong in my typeset or line-in she'll help correct it, as well as my spelling and grammar. I get a lot of my ideas from video games but I don't plagiarize. I do my own artwork with Adobe Photoshop. I tend to be a little weird now and then, but isn't that the case for most fiction writers? I also tend to switch between accents, all of which I've exercised excessively: There's English, Scottish, Irish, Australian, Canadian, Southern, Spanish, Welsh, Dutch, German and French. I use English, Irish and Scottish the most. I pick up European slang and sayings from movies and books and I usually incorporate them into my vocabulary after learning their meanings. I'm not a great writer, but people tell me I'm good so I just keep on writing. |