About Me
JR Burcham is just my writing name. My last name of record is Blackwell. I retired in 2003 after 29 years as an IT professional. I've kept journals/notes about life experiences for years and I have always enjoyed sharing interesting or humorous stories with friends and family.
They are the reason I started my story writing. They pushed and tugged at me until I started putting these stories on paper. I never saw myself as a writer but I was always able to express ideas in writing and surprisingly, I found that I really do enjoy expressing myself in written form. If not for all the typos it would be even more enjoyable ~laughs~.
I hope some of those who dare read my stories will find something of interest in these short stories of human experiences.
I continue to make notes and journals but need to become more consistent in that. I resolve to complete the other half dozen or so stories I started but have not completed and to be more vigilant in producing more completed works. I do enjoy this craft and enjoy the freedom to express myself as I remember my life experiences.