JohnL : Writing

Where the tall Trees Whisper

Where the tall Trees Whisper

A Poem by JohnL

A sort of 'prose-poem'
Benefits of Travel

Benefits of Travel

A Poem by JohnL

Walk with us through gardens of delight, Inhabiting our minds and memories. Scale the high peaks of our ecstasy Bathe under cataracts in pools o..


A Poem by JohnL

No longer a draft - please comment
The Poacher

The Poacher

A Poem by JohnL

I can't find my picture of Jake Bithell's dog, Lad so this is of the Dee at a point near the scene of the poem.
The Wind

The Wind

A Poem by JohnL

For Tovli's 10 words on nature contest
A Spring Sonnet for Easter

A Spring Sonnet for Easter

A Poem by JohnL

For Fabian's Contest
Spring - A Villanelle

Spring - A Villanelle

A Poem by JohnL

PRAISE THE LORD FOR SPRING Come let us sing a song of joy to Spring, Let blossom make our hearts be glad and gay Sing loud, for music is a joyf..
Poetry Awry

Poetry Awry

A Poem by JohnL

For Emma's 'What If' Contest - Oh Emma, I'm sorry about this one.
April and September

April and September

A Poem by JohnL

A Triple Tanka Between April And September How long must I wait? When will you come back to me? When the Spring returns My loving heart ..
Eye To Eye

Eye To Eye

A Poem by JohnL

Acrosfic Competition Entry