JohnL : Writing

A Friend in Need

A Friend in Need

A Story by JohnL

Sometimes all we need is a listening ear. Real listening is a gift. Few posess it.


A Poem by JohnL

After a long February drive through Hoar frosted ways and icy roads, I dwelt on this then decided to make it really difficult by choosing a metre of 1..
The Honey Gatherer

The Honey Gatherer

A Poem by JohnL

Gathered Honey I stay my hand, laying aside the turmoil of day, hearing secret messages of night and time rotate, in spheres of silence. ..


A Poem by JohnL

I hope this isn't as self-centred as the title would suggest. It is a genuine part of my life. One of the best decisions I ever made and retirement ..


A Poem by JohnL

I think in my experimentation I am getting near to Gimmick. If you think so, say it please.
Mersey Tanka

Mersey Tanka

A Poem by JohnL

Yet another attempt to insert a picture
Wind Music

Wind Music

A Poem by JohnL

An Englishman dares to write about Bluegrass - but he loves it and it started here - or did it?


A Poem by JohnL

This was written 4 years ago as a sort of dialogue. When I learned about Haibun from Tom, I thought it worth a try. This is it. Please give me hard..
Doodle on a rainy Day

Doodle on a rainy Day

A Poem by JohnL

Doodles on a Rainy Day Double click the avatar, out may spring a minotaur or wielded, glimmering scimitar, even a fast track racing car; o..
Then and Now

Then and Now

A Poem by JohnL

Play in the 1940s compared with now (not everyone of course).