John Sullivan : Writing

Der Spaß (Sterne und Balken)

Der Spaß (Sterne und Balken)

A Poem by John Sullivan

what's to writeofcompassion?you knowthe timeshave gotafashionkidsstill sleepinthecampsthiscorrectivecollectiveofamillion"Mein Kampfs"wood and nailcros..


A Poem by John Sullivan

burning brighteach a candle in the night...what secrets are their to findhidden in Al-Aqsa mind...Torah's yokeorwooden crossiron nailsandsilver's dros..
Blue Moon Passing

Blue Moon Passing

A Poem by John Sullivan

blue moonpassinga fieldforthrashinga timeforfastingno moretwo heartsaskingsorrowscollapsingvoices singingfromascoreit's love'staskingfeelingslastingli..
Untitled #5

Untitled #5

A Poem by John Sullivan

somewherea manwalksacross the roomjust tobanghisheadagainst thedoorand liestherecondemnednakedandshiveringon the floorbrickbybrickbuild that staircase..
Untitled #4

Untitled #4

A Poem by John Sullivan

is itthehourortheage?knowall thingspasstime turnsitspagelikethe worksofOzymandiasnothing besidewillremainit's the calendar that sneers in cold command..
J.D. Vance

J.D. Vance

A Poem by John Sullivan

A love letter...
"The Demon-Haunted World..."

"The Demon-Haunted World..."

A Story by John Sullivan

"I have a foreboding of an America in my children's or grandchildren's time --when the United States is a service and information economy; when ..


A Poem by John Sullivan

give meyourtiredyour pooryour huddled masseswordsforgottensomewhere there is a manlyingonthefloordispossessedmisbegottenI can seeI can see very wellth..


A Poem by John Sullivan

Thee mighty Rudyard Kipling...


A Poem by John Sullivan

the ancient childsohighandwildshe's a girlwholivesinspringI'm ajunkmanwhocansingselling by the poundgarden soilwithagrinwhileshe livesin summer'sshine..

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