Lazarus and Andromeda (Paradigm of Tantamount)
-J.H. Byrd-
I have passed boldly into that distant night,
glancing upon the ethereal.
“Flames of Ivy”
-J.H. Byrd-
Mark what mercurial minds have purloined,
where upon the ivy burns and Hegemon’s sword is a..
-J.H. Byrd-
In the
shadows, the wretched stretch out stealthy fingers,
writhing in
agony of loathing ever lingeri..
“The Prometheus Ascension”
-J.H. Byrd-
He spoke, his voice like a drum,“Destiny is mine to come.Fellow men, our hands begu..
In the Wake of Dear
Thou seeks glory and fame.
To force past ghostly figures
and their forgotten names.
But to you, my son, ..
Autumn of Rekindle (A Forgotten Verse Untold)
At once did I come upon a memory,
so distant, yet it seemed
a once forgotten romance
Not sure if I want to keep it as a poem or turn it into prose....Could really use some suggestions in that regard.
This is NOT a suicide note from me nor is it from anyone that I know. I am also not at risk.
However, it does help me get across a message in a powe..
The Snows I Seek a Desperate Land
-J.H. Byrd-
The snow drifts blanket
a desperate land
as the cold clutches villainously
to ..
I wanted to experiment with spacing on this one but I couldn't come up with anything that I felt was satisfactory. Would love some feedback in that de..