For those of you who read my other works, you know they stay realistic. Well, I'm taking a stab at Sci-Fi, with a story about a family who must flee t..
The mysterious driver is revealed and T.J. gets a phone call from his lovely girlfriend, Carolyn.
A conversation between two friends, a boy trying to make his best friend feel better after she feels rejected by her friends.
This is a short story I'm currently, as in right now, am working on, and I just want an early opinion. This is the story about a writer who has a seve..
This is a memoir of my passed Aunt Carol, and the story of her last Christmas through the eyes of a twelve year old boy, myself.
This is actually a sub-story in a much larger story that I'm currently working on. Three travelers stop in a bus terminal and confront an evil force.
This was actually a school project. It's a tragic ballad about a man who takes his life after shocking family secrets, war, and a lost love tears his ..