Julie Anne Fidler

Julie Anne Fidler


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About Me

Julie Anne Fidler is the author of "Adventures In Holy Matrimony: For Better Or The Absolute Worst" (Relevant Books), a personal account of the trials and tribulations found in unique circumstances during her first four years of marriage. Julie has appeared on numerous radio programs, and appeared on the nationally syndicated show, "The Daily Buzz", on The WB (now CW).

She is currently co-authoring a book about marriage with Growthtrac Ministries founder, Sheri Mueller, and is putting together a book project aimed at teaching the church how to view mental illness, and how to minister to the mentally ill with Dr. Gary Lovejoy, Ph.D..

Additionally, Julie is a contract writer and manages internet content for best-selling author, speaker, and syndicated columnist, Shaunti Feldhahn. She is also a freelance writer, having written for local newspapers, as well as various national publications such as Relevant Magazine and Living With Teenagers.

Julie lives in Pennsylvania with her husband of seven years, Scott. Julie enjoys reading, hiking through the wildlife reserve near her home, swimming, and drinking far too much coffee. Julie and Scott enjoy "custody" of their oldest niece and nephew, Josh and Alex, every other weekend, and consider themselves "parents" to an 8-year-old dwarf rabbit named Honey.


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Posted 16 Years Ago

Julie ,

I am at wit`s end , how can I ever thank you.


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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hope you will upload a few pics of your
dwarf rabbit. They are incredible pets.

Post more of your writing, please.
Look forward to reading you.

----- Eagle Cruagh