Life isanamazinglywonderful maze,when yout h i n kabout it.Youstart attheentrancen a i v e andunawareof what lies within. It'seasy toc h e a tin this ..
Sometimes when I hear aboutthe dreams of other peopleI look at my own and thinkI must be superficial.In theirdreams there are winding pathsand reflect..
Are you ready brain?Hmm?Are you ready to break the boundaries of thoughtand action?Are you ready to create passagesthat move even the heaviest of hear..
I see her at the partysurrounded by her friends. She's clearly busy..That's OK, I just need time to work out someincredibly clever and witty banter.I'..
It's all well and goodto sit and wait for yourknight in shining armorPassing up all whodon't meet yourparticular standardsHowever,It might be good to ..
I'm no writer.I'm too logicalSometimes I wish I could just lay myhead down on a piece of paperand have my thoughts flow out onto itlike waterfilling t..
I am a binary manseeing the world simplifiedEverything would be so much easierif it was made of ones and zerosIf all choices were right or wrongall an..
Don't blame your dreamsFor life's sudden twistsNor condemn them as sillythings you once wishedA dream's reason for beingit's purpose and aimis to brin..
What would I do for you?There's lots of things, actuallyI would spontaneously start speaking Hungarian for you...but it probably would sound like nons..