The ocean howledAs he climbed below deck“Don’t stop till you see bone.”That’s what the ‘tick’ told himGo in there;..
Blood splattered faceConrad did not pause onceHe moved from bunk to bunkChopping all of his friendsTwo down, three down, four downAfter Bill diedThe l..
2 weeks laterNaye bit her nailsHer feet up on the railsAs her mom hunched forwardBarfing into a bag“That’s what she gets,” Naye th..
He eyed the clockVon just could not sit stillHe could barely listenSitting in class, shakingHoping to find JudasHe tapped his legAs if commanding time..
Von was out fastWhen class ended, rushingTo find Judas"focusedHe almost tripped into Carlo"lost in his dazeBreathless, he cr..
In an hourVon learned that Carlo wasSixteen, Gemini, andThe rebellious sonOf the brand new sheriffBy the time VonCaught up with Judas, heWas fascinate..
Bad Juju andCreepy tales of late nightPatrol duties kept VonAnd Yasmine far awayFrom S-13, just not that nightThat night the sqaudHad a mission交..
The sheriff hadTwo floors; level 1 and S-1Long stairway between themThe only way to theSub-levels was through oneOf four elevatorsVon was searingJudas..
Ayah tip-toedDown the long passagewayHoping to find somethingSo mesmerizing thatYasmine would be enchantedIt was cold thereThe motion-sensing lightsHu..