Kelli April : Writing



A Poem by Kelli April

A poem I wrote since I couldn’t sleep:
What A Mess We Have Made

What A Mess We Have Made

A Poem by Kelli April

Relationships can be messy.
Blanket of Snow

Blanket of Snow

A Poem by Kelli April

My first try with a Haiku poem. Not sure if it is right but it was fun to try !
Not Your Place

Not Your Place

A Poem by Kelli April

It’s my life to live And my life alone You take while I give Your ego has grown Your feelings come first They’re second to none ..
So Close Yet So Far

So Close Yet So Far

A Poem by Kelli April

My third limerick.
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A Poem by Kelli April

My second limerick attempt.
Purest of love

Purest of love

A Poem by Kelli April

My first attempt at something new within the genre of poetry.
It Will Always Be You

It Will Always Be You

A Poem by Kelli April

The power of your feelings.
Comparing myself to a Character

Comparing myself to a Character

A Story by Kelli April

Just another writing prompt from, but this one is from my first Composition class.
A very important thought on the damning issue of racism.

A very important thought on the damning issue of r..

A Story by Kelli April

This assignment was very personal because I despise racial inequality. We are all human—that’s the only deciding factor that should be use..

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