John A. McColley

John A. McColley


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Rochester, NH
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Posted 17 Years Ago

Your response was most eloquent and reasonable. It is with humility that I will ask your permission to offer a second, honest this time, review of yer work.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

"Alas, none of that in you."? Com'mon fella, I haven't even had a chance to respond to your response to my response...(eh, forget that bit.) Forget my comment too. (Which you misquoted: 'thought' & 'was' were the escape hatches I was counting on. Should you have chosen to defend yourself I would have had the opportunity to accept your position.)
To go ahead and re-answer the questions you had about me: a. nope-no friend of mine b. ha!-wish I was! I might actually have a real reason to be typing this right now! c. nope (once again)-don't give half-a-crap about the author. Never met em', never communicated, don't ever expect to.
Lemme guess, a. you really like this little online writing community b. you really don't like kindergarten teachers/children. (Kiddin!)
-Whoo! Ain't this fun!-
Alright, back to business.
I'd be able to take you a little more seriously if you were to have written something like: "I FELT LIKE I was doing the writer a favor..." Yea, I agree, you were not flaming. Good for you. I did. Sorry. Kinda... But, I still gotta know if You know yet for sure what his attempt was. You claim that it was very poor. But, you stated directly in the review that you weren't 100% absolutely sure of what he was after. Has he clarified? Would you be willing to share your newfound insight?
(sigh) "I think you need to pull yourself out of the middle of this situation" The situation, as I see it, is that your suggesting that I'm interested in padding the feelings of authors I've never met and have no reason to care about. While at the same time you were willing to point out that it was only after your's that ANY other purely negative comment was posted. Way to go! You found folk to jump on yer wagon.
No, I didn't notice the double periods until you mentioned it. I wasn't reading it for grammatical errors, in fact I don't write to avoid grammatical errors. I wouldn't choose to let such RULES get in the way of what I wanna say. What was he trying to say? Did he say it? Could it have been far more polished? Yes, absolutely. But, was it at all similar to anything else you experienced that day? Would you deny it's significance now that this whole bit has begun? It sparked a discussion. That's the kinda art I like best.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

"Alas, none of that in you."? Com'mon fella, I haven't even had a chance to respond to your response to my response...(eh, forget that bit.) Forget my comment too. (Which you misquoted: 'thought' & 'was' were the escape hatches I was counting on. Should you have chosen to defend yourself I would have had the opportunity to accept your position.)
To go ahead and re-answer the questions you had about me: a. nope-no friend of mine b. ha!-wish I was! I might actually have a real reason to be typing this right now! c. nope (once again)-don't give half-a-crap about the author. Never met em', never communicated, don't ever expect to.
Lemme guess, a. you really like this little online writing community b. you really don't like kindergarten teachers/children. (Kiddin!)
-Whoo! Ain't this fun!-
Alright, back to business.
I'd be able to take you a little more seriously if you were to have written something like: "I FELT LIKE I was doing the writer a favor..." Yea, I agree, you were not flaming. Good for you. I did. Sorry. Kinda... But, I still gotta know if You know yet for sure what his attempt was. You claim that it was very poor. But, you stated directly in the review that you weren't 100% absolutely sure of what he was after. Has he clarified? Would you be willing to share your newfound insight?
(sigh) "I think you need to pull yourself out of the middle of this situation" The situation, as I see it, is that your suggesting that I'm interested in padding the feelings of authors I've never met and have no reason to care about. While at the same time you were willing to point out that it was only after your's that ANY other purely negative comment was posted. Way to go! You found folk to jump on yer wagon.
No, I didn't notice the double periods until you mentioned it. I wasn't reading it for grammatical errors, in fact I don't write to avoid grammatical errors. I wouldn't choose to let such RULES get in the way of what I wanna say. What was he trying to say? Did he say it? Could it have been far more polished? Yes, absolutely. But, was it at all similar to anything else you experienced that day? Would you deny it's significance now that this whole bit has begun? It sparked a discussion. That's the kinda art I like best.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

P.S. -sorry to put you through a deletion. But, yeah, it doesn't belong there.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Yeah, I was just pokin' a little fun at the comment you'd left about The Reviewer's story and the comment that he left about yer poem. I wasn't really being serious at all. Just thought it would be slightly more tactful than tearing apart every detail of yours in retribution for what I considered your short-sided review of that one, you know, the one. Seriously though. No, hard feelings. I hope we can develop a realistic dialog.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Dude - I just read your review of the "Story of the Day" - you know, that bullshit story about Man slapping his wife for a Lamborghini Diablo, which he shot a kid for? Yea. That's the dumbest f*****g thing I've ever read and I think your review was sincerely dead on. Good work.

It made my day just a smidge better. Bravo.