To the love in which I haven't found yet:
I am waiting, honestly, and patiently for you to come and change my world.
As the walls close in I begin to wonderShould I panic as I'm pulled under?My heart holds no fear of drowningLife made simple would keep me frowning.1,..
Blood, sweat, tearsI'm damned by dissipating timeLet me sign
Love doesn't loveit destroys quickly and irrationallyI rise above.
Time, loneliness, silenceI have much of theseKeeping me whole.
Smiles, laughs, joyI shun away from theseThey're not me.
My eyes closethe cold keeps me warmsuccumbing is pleasant
Short writes
Nothing's left or so I thinkto the pain I cling.Pain's the only reminderit hurts to be apart from it.It keeps me alive and healthypain in healthy dose..
I can't describe it- alone, shatteredthree years later; no difference.I've never turned from cold,just a zone; my comfort zone.Time never healed the w..