just a soul cleansing letter I will never send. Pretty sure the divorce papers will make it clear enough
The result of free-writing in a time of spiritual need
Stretching beyond my means to compensate
For the flaws in my ‘Master Plan’
Stringing together loopholes and fantasies
Like Christmas ga..
Not sexual in nature, don't be put off by the title. Just a confession of sorts...
You call me a dreamer like that's a bad thing...Screw roses, let me be a daisy...or a weed...they're harder to kill.
I grew up in a small town just across the Escambia Bay. I've been away for merely six years, and in that time, it seems as if everything and somehow,..
When love fades away, all that's left is...
It's about self discovery, the possibility of new love, and finally following your dreams...wherever they may lead you. Breaking whatever chains have..
The subject matter is...well...*sly smile* explicit, but the words are not. Many thanks to you, my friend, for the prompt and the words of encouragem..