Elizabeth : Writing

Grub Street Blues

Grub Street Blues

A Poem by Elizabeth

I wrote this following a U.I.L meeting.
Well At the End of the World

Well At the End of the World

A Poem by Elizabeth

I wrote this a while back..I think I was reading a Rice novel at the time or maybe something to do with creationism
On a Rainy Day

On a Rainy Day

A Poem by Elizabeth

I wrote this one day on (you guessed it) a rainy day during a particularly beautiful thunderstorm.
Anatomically Correct

Anatomically Correct

A Poem by Elizabeth

I wrote this after reading a book called Better Than Running At Night. I wrote it after a...shall we say encounter...with my now fiance...^//^


A Poem by Elizabeth

I can't quite remember why I wrote this, only that I know that I usually write with a lot of Greek influence
Children of Youth

Children of Youth

A Poem by Elizabeth

I wrote this when I became enraged by how many young girls in my class were pregnant or had become mothers.

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