Isolophobe : Writing

The lunacy beckons

The lunacy beckons

A Poem by Isolophobe

a song.
I want to burst your bubble

I want to burst your bubble

A Poem by Isolophobe

you've got to goddamn these people, you've got to goddamn them with your last breath!
what i did in my adult development class

what i did in my adult development class

A Poem by Isolophobe

I'll get lost in your metaphors
what i do in my health psychology class pt. 3

what i do in my health psychology class pt. 3

A Poem by Isolophobe

Place me on your mantle, polish me once a week.
what i do in health psychology class pt. 2

what i do in health psychology class pt. 2

A Poem by Isolophobe

Boy wants to lick the scratches off her life's vehicle. Girl claims they're beauty marks.
what I do in healthy psychology class pt. 1

what I do in healthy psychology class pt. 1

A Poem by Isolophobe

Time after time it looks like a fist but I know they both believe its a kiss.
What I do in my history and systems of psychology class pt. 2

What I do in my history and systems of psychology ..

A Poem by Isolophobe

Life is my deprivation tank.
What I do in my history and systems of psychology class pt. 1

What I do in my history and systems of psychology ..

A Poem by Isolophobe

The saddest place on earth must be whereits possible to be too nice, plagued with a misery that attachesitself to everything we buy. God couldn't have..
I pledge allegiance

I pledge allegiance

A Poem by Isolophobe

I pledge allegiancelike a lost dog, once domesticated,now incapable of surviving on my own.I pledge allegiancelike the very wind my favorite flag shiv..


A Poem by Isolophobe

what have you got but yourself?seems like you pass away every now and then,I now how it feels, though I haven't felt it enoughto know how it feels to ..