Isola : Writing



A Poem by Isola

Upon a time I courted reason but its season fell awry debate and conversation crumbled words upon my tongue and logic’s eloquence ran dry ..
Haiku 04082022

Haiku 04082022

A Poem by Isola

on my tatami tea and a springtime morning holy communion
Tanka 1

Tanka 1

A Poem by Isola

In the mountain pond lilies crown their noble stalks spread their leafy robes as green and darkened jewels fathoms deep were my loves eyes ..


A Poem by Isola

Verily I say to you You gaze at shadows and not Truth You see the flower and not the root So beguiling this alluring dance bewitching y..


A Poem by Isola

my desire is a madness to linger in your delicate blend of naivety and artfulness a fragrant recipe of frailty and prowess that I may ..


A Poem by Isola

all’s recycled in the press of Time yesterday’s rolling desert now rises in a lean gazelle a mountain’s jagged rock is..
The Way of The Sage

The Way of The Sage

A Poem by Isola

Poet’s laurel crowns every sage unwinding the serpentine skein of thread that weaves the many colored cloak of metaphor’s fine and myst..


A Poem by Isola

The ripple of gentle wings softly enfolding the little bird comforted as darkness enclosed Her feathers as jewels dipped in shimmering light ..


A Poem by Isola

Death folded my wings now higher I soar past mountains rivers and hidden things I too am hidden ‘tween flowers and ..


A Poem by Isola

I found a reason today near the craggy hilltop where sparrows play in the babbling rill that washes me clean sprinkling your laughter..