Iris Catherine

Iris Catherine


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A Small Town, WA
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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

I aspire to be free,
though my wish has chains.
In hopes of one day breaking them,
I write.
A drabble here,
a short story there.
Anything will sufice.
But for now I rely on judgement
and the sounding of words
and the power of inspiration that
pulls me along and alone.

Looking for the door
Trying to find something more
Than this life I so desperately cling to.


But you want to know about me?
The real me?

But for you,
I shall just suffice your tastes with some inadequete details.

-I hated writing with the very depths of my soul until the 5th grade, when I began writing with a passion, only after I failed the WASL (Washington State Assessment of Student Learning) Writing Exam. A big NO on a piece of paper turned my life around.

-I've been trying to write the same story for five years now. It better be good when I'm finished.

-I love movies with the intensity and rush that only doing something new and exciting can give you. Movies have the power to move me, undeniably, though I have yet to find one that will make me cry. This is why I'm will be going into Screen Writing. I want to make people feel what I have felt.


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Posted 18 Years Ago

lol... Liz took her on stage... turned around to say something to her drummer, and Lauren went for it... on stage... Liz thought it was funny. So we all had a good laugh out of it.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Start with "F - - k and Run", be sure to get "Hot White C - m"... and everything in between. LOL. Liz Phair is awesome. I've seen her in concert twice in Atlanta. Love her! My friend Lauren grabbed her a*s once, it was hilarious.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

"The cold lips as well, unfeeling, the thought that the kiss almost meant nothing (not to the first person, of course) but it also felt like nothing." -

Yes, Yes, Yes! That's exactly what I was trying to portray. Thank you so much for the review... It's always thrilling when some really 'reads' your work, you know? I feel special now. You get a friend request... LOL...

By the way, I agree with the comment below from Kara... I love the name "Liz"... Like Liz Phair, one of my favorite Rock artists of all time, LOL...


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Posted 18 Years Ago

i love the name liz.

and i love your blank comment.

it's so abstract...

so profound.



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Posted 18 Years Ago

hehe oh i like my corner too :)

just popping into yours to say hi.

and introduce myself :)

i'm kara

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Posted 18 Years Ago

You can't stay in your corner of the forest, waiting for others to come to you; you have to go to them sometimes.

-Winnie the Pooh

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Posted 18 Years Ago

What do you think about our blog?

Any good articles or thoughts worth mentioning at the moment?

And what is the update on new members?

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Hi Liz! :D