Chaotic_Writer : Writing

Seven Years

Seven Years

A Poem by Chaotic_Writer

Even though time heals all,January is the saddest monthabove all.Seven New Year's.Seven cold, dark winters.Seven days of eachheartbreaking, soul-crush..


A Poem by Chaotic_Writer

You take from meAll the words I spoke for youTwist them; Use them; Bury themTo watch my heart drag beneathyour shoesYet my soul has foundEvery beat in..
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by Chaotic_Writer

I knew that if she stared at me for too long, my heart would spontaneously combust. Then again, if I anticipate it, I guess my heart would c..
Chapter 2

Chapter 2

A Chapter by Chaotic_Writer

Four Years Later… I don’t care what people tell you. Your heart does not beat for someone else. It does not rapidly pulsate..
She's a Willow in Full Bloom

She's a Willow in Full Bloom

A Book by Chaotic_Writer

Although we strive to gain the greatest kind of love, some of us are not as lucky. Grayson Evers discovers the truth in love and just how heartbreakin..