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Trenton, NJ
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About Me

Hello everyone!!!!

I like Cimorelli the band on Youtube! Wonderful!

Graffiti Creator

*I have acute promyelocytic leukemia. I found out that I did in May 2008.

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Feel Free to email me at---- [email protected]

Or Be friends with me on facebook: Persephone Hunter (same pic as on here)

Or on AIM: [email protected]
“Even though we've changed and we're all finding our own place in the world, we all know that when the tears fall or the smile spreads across our face, we'll come to each other because no matter where this crazy world takes us, nothing will ever change so much to the point where we're not all still friends.” -Persephone-Trento, New Jersey!!!
******This quote is as true as true can get******

all about me!!
Created by cutiepie656 and taken 11851 times on Bzoink
name: Persephone
birthday: March 24, 1995
zodiac sign: Aries
where were you born: Tennessee
where do you live now: Trenton New Jersey
height: 5'3
hair color: Blackish Brown
eye color: Hazel
tattoos: No
piercings: No
color: Purple
food: Oranges
candy: Milky Way
movie: Letters To Juilet
tv show: Gilmore Girls
actor: Taylor Launter
actress: Amanda Seyfield
band or singer: Paramore
song: California Gurls
holiday: April Fools
month: March
season: Spring
day of the week: Thursday
store: Hot Topic
restaurant: Olive Garden
sport: Softball
animal: Tiger
flower: Lily
*Have you ever....*
danced in the rain: yes
tripped and had an embarassing fall: yes
smoked: no
got drunk: no
done drugs: no
gone skinny-dipping: yes
been in a car accident: yes
been in love: ummm maybe not in love
met the president: no
met a celebrity: no
cried over a movie: yes
shoplifted: no
laughed so hard you cried: yes
cried for no reason at all: yes
*The last.....*
thing you said: What the Hell?
thing you ate: Snow Cones :)
song you heard: Big Sky (Rachel Loy)
movie you saw: Alice in Wonderland (Tim Burton)
cd you bought: Almost Alice
book you read: Thorn Queen (book 2) (Richelle Mead)
phone call: 5 hours ago by my friend Nina
im: Can't remember
person you yelled at: My older sister, Katrina
*This or That*
pepsi or coke: Pepsi
mcdonalds or burger king: McDonalds
chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
tv or movies: Movies
colored pencils or markers: Colored Pencils
sun or moon: Sun
day or night: Night
pants or shorts: Shorts
long sleeve or short sleeve: Short Sleeve
n'sync or backstreet boys: Backstreet Boys
burgers or hot dogs: burgers
rock or rap: rock
aim or phone: aim
romantic comedy or thriller: romantic comedy
waffles or pancakes: pancakes
peanut butter or jelly: jelly
what color is your toothbrush: yellow
do you believe in love at first sight: kind of
have you ever wished upon a star: yes
what other language(s) do you speak: Greek, French, Spanish
if you dyed your hair what color would you dye it: White Blonde
if you could change your name what would you change it to: I like my name
what are the last 4 digits of your phone #: NOYB
whats the weather like right now: Overcast
what instruments do you play (if you play any): Violin, Guitar
do you talk to yourself a lot: Yeah kind of
You've been totally Bzoink*d!
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Right there is a lot about me. Most people think of me at first sight emo, gothic or wierd. But I am really punk, fun, girly, geeky, and a BIG dork and reading/writing nerd. LOL

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
BTW my full name is Persephone Jezebel Hunter


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Posted 14 Years Ago

I would just like to say, thank you for your review on memories:lost and thansk for accepting my friend request.
I had read your profile and I just want to say, be strong.