Mark : Writing



A Poem by Mark

Drunk on Dreams

Drunk on Dreams

A Poem by Mark

I started writing something dark for the season, but this insisted on being born instead. I should've kept drinking I think.
Where you went

Where you went

A Poem by Mark

Loneliness, my favorite subject, well perhaps more obsession really.
A couple

A couple

A Poem by Mark

Something I wrote in 2010 about someone special that will always be special.
Where I stand

Where I stand

A Poem by Mark

In the end we create who we are or allow others to do it for is.
Evoked Memory

Evoked Memory

A Poem by Mark

Something different, experimental for me.
I deserve this because I got old?

I deserve this because I got old?

A Poem by Mark

arrrgghhh the irritations !
True Love

True Love

A Poem by Mark

Have you fallen for an image you've created in your mind rather than the actual person you get to know later?
One in Desire

One in Desire

A Poem by Mark

Inspired by a another great writer.
Broken Sail

Broken Sail

A Poem by Mark

Damaged souls finding one another. Story of my life.