Inner Rain

Inner Rain


I'f im not writing, im painting or drawing...

City Of The Living
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About Me

Click to view my Personality Profile page

Why I Write?!
I love to write poems... Not really planning to make it a profession, i just enjoy it. I write to relieve stress, especially school-related stress and also so i can express my emotions, so i don't feel totally miserable keeping all my emotions bottled up. I write poems, not only for myself, but also for others and send them as "words of encouragement" or one of my friends asked me to write a poem to post it on their Multiply... :P

PLS DO NOT SENT ME READ REQUESTS CONTAINING EROTICA/MATURE CONTENT!!! I don't think my mother would be alright with me reading such things; nor am i comfortable with it either.

Musical Inspirations:
I have other inspirations besides JESUS (but he is still THE BEST), and one of them is music. I get my inspiration from listening mostly to Evanescence & Amy Lee. Their music really provokes my emotions to pour out and into the form of Poetry. I love their emotional lyrics and their deep & mysterious sounds; another thing i really love about them is that they don't overdo using Screamos unlike a lot of the other bands i know. I can relate to their songs pretty well and even with my own meaning to it. There never comes i day in which i cannot find one of their songs that fits my mood. :D And that is probably also why i write so much everyday. Except when school is ongoing... :(

And for those who are visiting this site... I really hope you'll take the time to read some of my works... If you also love to write, stories, plays, poems and etc; i would like to encourage you to join WRITERS CAFE... From there you can leave me your comments on the pages of specific writings (and more). :D


Thank You!!!
I would like to thank everyone for being encouraging and or an "inspiration" (good and bad). Thanks to my friends & my family! Thanks to my Teachers (from my previous school) for helping me out in the previous years in "overcoming" my Dyslexia. My Teachers (from my current school), thanks for the support and etc. Teacher K, thank you for being patient with me in my voice lessons, and in this site are actually some of the things i want to turn into songs one day... Thanks guys, cause i really enjoy these things im now doing!!! LOOK AT ME!!! I CAN WRITE!!! :P


Special Days To Remember!!! :D

SEPTEMBER 08 2009!!! MY POEMVERSARY!!! 100 poems written!!!

To their heart it goes, from my heart it came. Poetry. It should be a heart to heart thing.
-Inner Rain

Which Poet are you?
Your Result: Walt Whitman

You are a direct product of the classics, going so far as to take on their triumphs (disserved or not) as well. You are not shy. Pleasure is crucial to art as art is crucial to you. Expression and freedom reign over your craft.

Robert Frost
Emily Dickinson
William Carlos Williams
Sylvia Plath
Which Poet are you?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz


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Posted 12 Years Ago

Hi, thanks for your friendship.

"Crown Court Censored Poet" (2009-2014)
Using Poetry I fought back against family racism, directed towards my newborn mixed race Daughter. Crown court then censored that poetry for five years.

The Elusive Mr Dunne

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Friday Pictures, Images and Photos

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Posted 14 Years Ago

deleting this account so say bye to this name i am starting over my new name is littlelilypurplebride i think. god bless lily

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Posted 14 Years Ago

christmas myspace comments

Mags xx

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Poem 100..., but I hope that you continue to add new ones? Keep in touch!


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Posted 15 Years Ago

Congrats on the award! : >)

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Congrats on the award!

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Congrats on the placing! Well deserved :)

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hi Lauren! :D it's me naomi :D

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Congrats on the award!