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Keizer, OR
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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

Gosh, I haven't updated this in forever. It's nice to change the "About Me" section now and then, don't you agree?

I'm fifteen, now a sophomore, and I'm a writer. A published writer, at that! If ever you see Zimported Anthologies on Amazon, you'll know who it's by. Yup, pretty exciting.
Let's see... I'm a well rounded person(somewhat), I swear! I'm really nerdy, but at the same time, I'm kind of athletic. I like to go play football with the guys, I run distance in the fall(cross country) and spring(track). I also LOVE the arts. I mean, whatever it is. I draw and sing and (attempt to) play the piano. Ehhh, I've played around with a guitar, too, but who cares?

I've recently gotten hardcore into romance and even some flash fiction. I used to do a ton of fantasy, but my frequent readers know that I don't do that quite as much, haha.

Oh, and I'd like to apologize to people that were reading my stories before... and then I just kind of dropped off the face of the planet. I'm still writing, and I'm still alive. I just... I don't know, neglected the site, and I'm sorry. Truly. I'll post some more things and start reading like crazy to make it up to you guys.


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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hey. How are you? =]

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Posted 15 Years Ago

How still, how happy!
by Emily Bronte

How still, how happy! Those are words
That once would scarce agree together;
I loved the plashing of the surge -
The changing heaven the breezy weather,

More than smooth seas and cloudless skies
And solemn, soothing, softened airs
That in the forest woke no sighs
And from the green spray shook no tears.

How still, how happy! now I feel
Where silence dwells is sweeter far
Than laughing mirth's most joyous swell
However pure its raptures are.

Come, sit down on this sunny stone:
'Tis wintry light o'er flowerless moors -
But sit - for we are all alone
And clear expand heaven's breathless shores.

I could think in the withered grass
Spring's budding wreaths we might discern;
The violet's eye might shyly flash
And young leaves shoot among the fern.

It is but thought - full many a night
The snow shall clothe those hills afar
And storms shall add a drearier blight
And winds shall wage a wilder war,

Before the lark may herald in
Fresh foliage twined with blossoms fair
And summer days again begin
Their glory - haloed crown to wear.

Yet my heart loves December's smile
As much as July's golden beam;
Then let us sit and watch the while
The blue ice curdling on the stream.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Yes, actually I did. When I was 10. It was called 'The Crystal Castle' - a 52 page epic work with pictures I drew all by myself =]
Haha ohkay jokes apart, I always wanted to but I never seem to get the time. And I'm afraid that if i stop mid-way I might lose interest and abandon it, which I hate most. So even though I get ideas, I never really bother you see. Which is why short stories are more of my forte.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Haha thats great. A novel huh? Post it and send me a read request. Would love to read it =]
Oh, and I already added your work to my general library. I'll read it over breakfast tomorrow =]

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hey, me too. I cant review poetry at all. The so called poems I wrote were mainly due to a major 'word block'- as opposed to a writers block. Words just dont flow into my head that easily anymore.
One of my recent pieces, The Ivory Piano was a sad result of words eluding me, so I'm taking a break. =]

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hi! I was just planning to check your page for anything new =]
Nothing new at the moment. Just a few failed attempts at poetry. Ha. So how's your writing coming along?

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hi! I was just planning to check your page for anything new =]
Nothing new at the moment. Just a few failed attempts at poetry. Ha. So how's your writing coming along?

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hi! I was just planning to check your page for anything new =]
Nothing new at the moment. Just a few failed attempts at poetry. Ha. So how's your writing coming along?

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Posted 15 Years Ago

I will =]

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Thank you and you keep writing too =] keep me posted if anything new is up.
