Immortal Beloved : Writing

The Immortal Epidemic

The Immortal Epidemic

A Chapter by Immortal Beloved

one yr after my ban from the site


A Chapter by Immortal Beloved

during my 08 return to the site


A Chapter by Immortal Beloved

my egyptian mother that tina killed back in the old days
Everything Burns

Everything Burns

A Chapter by Immortal Beloved

during the Octavian Wild Storm era of the 2006 rp war


A Chapter by Immortal Beloved

As I sit here naked I think about my time on Allpoetry. In my time on allpoetry I have witnessed many a thing. I have seen poets come and go due to ..
The Wild Storm

The Wild Storm

A Chapter by Immortal Beloved

a short poem my friend novy wrote for me
Soul Torn Asunder

Soul Torn Asunder

A Chapter by Immortal Beloved

during the reign of Darc Raven in 2006
When I Ripped My Cord

When I Ripped My Cord

A Chapter by Immortal Beloved

brief departure from the rp war
Miles To Nowhere

Miles To Nowhere

A Chapter by Immortal Beloved

during my insanity phase/end of rp war
River Of Tears

River Of Tears

A Chapter by Immortal Beloved

Aftermath of the 2006 rp war day 3