Imagination-mage : Writing

Death the Kidd

Death the Kidd

A Chapter by Imagination-mage

Chrona awoke from the deep slumber, finding herself in a dark room. As she turned, she found herself surrounded in stuffed animals, all black and wh..
Experiment Gone Wrong

Experiment Gone Wrong

A Chapter by Imagination-mage

Tasha tossed and turned in her dream, finding herself in a black universe. The landscape she walked about on was a black liquid that didn’t st..
Illusions made slightly real

Illusions made slightly real

A Chapter by Imagination-mage

Iris was brought breakfast in bed, looking at the plate filled with pancakes, blueberry syrup, eggs, sausages and bacon. The German butler said &ldq..
Insanity Dreams

Insanity Dreams

A Chapter by Imagination-mage

Chrona awoke from the blackened dream, her face wet from crying the night before. She missed her friends so much, and the guilt was killing her. She..
First Kiss

First Kiss

A Chapter by Imagination-mage

“MISAKI!!” Tasha bellowed dramatically as she fell on the couch after a tiring two hours of simulations. Said boy comes racing in, a col..
Illusions coming together

Illusions coming together

A Chapter by Imagination-mage

“And then he put truth serum in my tea!!” Iris bellowed angrily to her only friend in her unknown location. She was speaking with a boy ..
Sato's Advice

Sato's Advice

A Chapter by Imagination-mage

“Sato-san what should I do?” Chrona asked, picking at her lunch. The chef had become a good friend and her baby sitter whenever Kidd was..
The punch that flared love

The punch that flared love

A Chapter by Imagination-mage

“Misaki, Tasha’s been avoiding me lately what’s wrong?” Gary asked making Misaki flinch from being called a question he hoped..
Illusions...even they fail sometimes

Illusions...even they fail sometimes

A Chapter by Imagination-mage

Iris found herself being like a goose. She followed Cilan everywhere almost, the memories of that one night replaying itself in her mind since. It h..
Being a maid sometimes has its perks

Being a maid sometimes has its perks

A Chapter by Imagination-mage

The vase broke with a deafening crash, making Chrona shriek when it shattered and her pitifully slow reflex refused for her to save it. Her eyes we..