A very short journal like story I wrote
O' lonesome star,that shines alone.Can your bloodlessbody be shownamongst others,that are sure to come,which guides lost soulsinto the darkened unknow..
Deserted in the sierra.Vultures buzzing about.Mirages sprinkling the land.The sun beginning to bury itself,as you call for the Godthat youabandoned.Vi..
Kingdom beneath us, arise!Above our fantasy skies.We'll be remembered.Causes of the nothingnessSwallowing from the nest.Deeply within we conjured.
As I dream under cold, black skies.I've only began a world of you and I.In a field of broken stems of love,the tears of our lives force us to grow.Twi..
Friend, you're the one I keepclose to my heart.You're the one I turn towhenever I have to weep.Friend, we share a bondthat the world can't break.Frien..
I know I'm not the same.Sucks, huh? That you're to blame.I'm surrounded, but so alone.Empty graves are my home.Watching them all create,something we k..
A clock with wings,Interesting;How we age fast,bitter tasted.Some hold the knifeto slaughter Time.While others arerepeating it.Interesting.
I see a faceof someone, yes.That I've not yetcompletely known.I cannot sayI am in love.Perhaps... I amhypnotized bythe eyes, I glancedeep into froma d..
Her eyes are goldand in disguise.When she comes shewill be mine.Following footstepsinto a broken heart.I've seen you before,but cannot remember...I wa..