

Kennesaw, GA
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Block Writer Block Writer

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Posted 8 Years Ago

I hope you will be back, my friend. You are missed here!

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Are you coming back to write my friend? You are long over due with our delivery of brilliance. I hope you are well.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

oh my!! what a completely amazing review, A. wow! you are beyond, my friend. thank you so much for stopping by and leaving your most generous review. [at work, so can't stay to chat, but catch up w/you soon] :)

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Posted 13 Years Ago

no no love, only a year ... if "only" is such a defining positive. i was absent for nearly a year myself ~ this site continues to be a challenge to patience and good will. but! i can never seem to leave entirely and always seem to find some good in a return, no matter how brief. it's lovely to connect w/you again, my friend. thank you again for stopping in to my sparse poetic scribblings. please don't be such a stranger!

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Posted 13 Years Ago

ah my dearest, what an incredibly happy surprise! thank you ever as always much for your wonderfully kind and thoughtful words. has so much time passed between us once again??? how does this happen over and again? we must catch up! how is life these days, abhra?

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Posted 15 Years Ago

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Merry Christmas, Abhra ............! So long between our communication! Tell me you are well and thriving. How do these days slip away from who we are? Miss you, my friend. Have a blessed holiday.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

lol! I beg to differ -- I've already read you. If that's a block, then I'll have what you're having! My writing has been weird lately and I'm not real happy w/it, but it is what it is right now ~ these things come and go; like life, ya?

I look forward to leaving you my thoughts, A, such as they are. Right now, I had the week that was, so I'm logging off and climbing in the 'bunk.'

Talk to you soon and have a great evening!

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Posted 16 Years Ago

I KNOW! I saw your read request and am so happy to see you back again! I plan to review this weekend and you are top on the list, friend! I'm doin fine ~ how bout yourself?

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Posted 16 Years Ago

You are a beautiful man, A. Even in few words, your elequence transcends brevity. Thank you.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Lol! I love it when you repeat yourself - my pointy little head expands exponentially with each beat! And yes, I do. Never did understand it, but that makes it no less gratifying! ;-)