Attention all Writerscafe.org Members,
I'm fed up with the systematic purging of talent from this once great writers site, I'm fed..
It's no secret. Writerscafe has degenerated into the ghetto of internet writing resources. It's also no secret that I'm jaded about it. An influx of s..
Exercise I wrote for action scenes. I want the reader to feel like they're flying, feel what it's like to get smashed by turbulence and thrown around...
Beautiful guys have an image in their minds of what a beautiful girl is, and it will never be me.
Beautiful girls are dainty, with slender, flowing..
Now, I clamor out of bed, pull on my Nomex pants, and stumble out the door at four am to get to requals, do a double take and run back in to grab my..
so just sit back and unwind
This was written in 2006 before me and my cousin were about to join the army. Our papers fell through and I ended up being a firefighter with another ..
A song was playing on the radio of some car that was driving by me slowly. I’d recognized it from a Christmas play I’d seen when I was v..
The 101 North stretches out from the Grind
Like a snake through Hollywood hills till a sign
Bids me exit to a town on the left hand side
With a..
While watching the burn show for the Zaca Fire, one thing would have made everything perfect...