Ice-Fire : Writing

Chapter 4 Remarks

Chapter 4 Remarks

A Chapter by Ice-Fire

After the entire interrogation I made a deal with Leona. She would help us then she could do whatever she wanted with her life, without taking anybody..
Chapter 5 Surprise

Chapter 5 Surprise

A Chapter by Ice-Fire

I was in my room wondering what to wear. Spade told me to get ready to go... he didn't say where, he just winked at me. I found my deep purple shirt a..
Chapter 6 Set Aflame

Chapter 6 Set Aflame

A Chapter by Ice-Fire

I slowly opened my eyes and saw a fire. I looked around for a way out of the building, there was but it was sealed. I didn't want to die there. In tha..
Chapter 7 Lyre

Chapter 7 Lyre

A Chapter by Ice-Fire

"Carmen?!" Spade exclaimed bolting in my room."It's, It's ok, I'm ok" I stammered."You just screamed, how is it supposed to be ok?"I sighed, "Good poi..
Chapter 8 Boyfriend

Chapter 8 Boyfriend

A Chapter by Ice-Fire

~>Back at the house with Spade<~I sat down on the couch and began to think for a while."Say Spade, you said that you don't hang around here much..
Chapter 9 Reputation

Chapter 9 Reputation

A Chapter by Ice-Fire

"Carrrrmmmmeeeeennnnn" I heard Shina call from behind me, I turned around. "Tell now" she ordered. I laughed."Okay okay, sheeze. I'm Spade's girlfrien..
Chapter 10 The Roof

Chapter 10 The Roof

A Chapter by Ice-Fire

"C'mon!" Kyla said trying to hurry us up a little. We were trying to hurry but it seemed like an eternity before we reached the set of stairs that led..
Chapter 11 The Mall

Chapter 11 The Mall

A Chapter by Ice-Fire

"I know how to save our sanities" I exclaimed. Spade, Kyla, and Tink looked at me curiously. "I'll be right back" I said winking. I got up from my sea..
Chapter 12 Inside Trouble

Chapter 12 Inside Trouble

A Chapter by Ice-Fire

"WHAT? There were wasp people at the mall?" Shina burst out. Spade sighed, "I knew we shouldn't have told her.""Oh, shush you," she snapped. I went ov..
Chapter 13 Visitors

Chapter 13 Visitors

A Chapter by Ice-Fire

>In my new bedroom<I folded my hands over my knee and leaned back onto my pillows just thinking. If I would have known Leonard would have tried ..